This workout is meant to exercise the entire body and leave you sweaty, panting and red in the face. The routine should take less than 15 minutes, but trying to complete it as fast as possible and recording how long it takes you can be a useful way to measure improvements over time.
Complete the exercises in rounds of 10 repetitions — per leg or arm for single-limb moves — followed by eight, six, four and then two repetitions. Rest when needed.
Materials needed: One or two dumbbells
Reverse lunge and hop: To make it more challenging, reach for the ground with your opposite hand as you lunge down to ensure full depth. For a lower-impact option, drive the knee up without hopping.
Dumbbell snatch: An alternative exercise would be squatting while bringing the dumbbell to your shoulder and finishing with a shoulder press.
Goblet squat: Use the same weight as you did in the previous exercise or a slightly heavier one.
Florence Scheepers
Graphics: Lesia Karalash / Graphics Editor