By Travis Homenuk December 6, 2012
The mall is truly an enchanting place this time of year. There, you can hear the stylings of holiday music goddess Mariah Carey while maxing out your credit cards. Why would you do such a thing? In order to please your loved ones with over-priced gifts, of course!
By Travis Homenuk December 1, 2012
We are all the answer to the bullying problem. If you have the drive to make someone feel bad about him or herself through manipulation, physical or emotional abuse, or blackmail, ask yourself, “Why?” Stop bullying when you see it and encourage others to do the same.
By Tannara Yelland November 30, 2012
On Nov. 23, hundreds of Walmart workers in 46 U.S. states walked off the job. Protesters joined the employees and supported their demands for living wages, an end to on-the-job sexual harassment and safe working conditions, among other things.
By The Sheaf November 29, 2012
Environmental advocates need to find people who are aware of the world’s growing environmental issues but have not yet taken action. We need to convince them to do something. This will not be achieved by browbeating or berating them, but by offering positive reinforcement to work toward a solution.
By The Sheaf November 24, 2012
Toronto is on the verge of becoming the first major Canadian city to ban single-use plastic bags. But it’s not enough to stem the plastic bag damage altogether.
By Kimberley Hartwig November 24, 2012
On Nov. 14 the United Nations declared contraception a universal human right. A report from the United Nations Population Fund titled State of World Population 2012 declared that “governments, civil society, health providers and communities have the responsibility to protect the right to family planning for women across the spectrum, including those who are young or unmarried.”
But what does this really mean? The U.N.’s declaration has no legal ramifications, which raises the question, “So what?”
By Travis Homenuk November 22, 2012
When it comes to voting for anything on campus, I usually don’t give two fucks. I vote for the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union executive, yes, but I could hardly care less who wins or loses. However, I was ecstatic when I heard about the spring and summer U-Pass referendum. This was a vote in which I really wanted to participate and I’m not at all surprised that students actually took the time to vote in favour of this motion.
By The Sheaf November 17, 2012
First of all, I am a feminist. Now, I’d like to believe that I live in a time and place where a man calling himself a feminist is the norm, but that sadly isn’t the case.