Giggidy: a statue in Jeju Loveland, a park in South Korea devoted to sexuality.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your sexual partner could get inside of your head? If they knew exactly how to touch you, exactly how it made you feel? Well folks, you don’t need to look very far to find this Casanova because that sexy person is you!
Masturbation is not just an activity I indulge in, but it is as much a part of my routine as brushing my teeth or going to the gym.
The weird looks shot my way when I talk about masturbation with my fellow ladies, or interject my own opinions on touching myself with a group of guys, leads me to believe that, maybe, not all women masturbate.
Female anatomy and sexuality are anything but simple, and learning them can be time-consuming and frustrating. Don’t get discouraged ladies: we have plenty of tools to get the sex juices flowing. Diamonds were a girl’s best friend, until sex toys were electrified to produce good vibrations. Female-friendly porn, while elusive, can inspire you in many ways. So explore what sights turn you on. Maybe it’s an orgy or maybe it’s girls caressing each other. Whatever you like, learning what gets you off and stimulating yourself in different ways is a thrilling and fulfilling ride.
Everyone knows guys touch themselves. If they say that they don’t, then they are lying. People rarely talk about girls masturbating though. If ladies do pleasure themselves they are discreet about it — and that is perfectly fine. Masturbation is an act of self-gratification, so you don’t need to share it with everyone if you don’t wish to. It is about sexual discovery and exploration without the pressure or judgements of others.
There are benefits, however, to sharing your intimate pleasure with others. Female bodies are difficult to manoeuvre, so discussing what feels good with your lady friends could help you learn how to better please yourself. It is also worth sharing with your sexual partner so that they can know how to better pleasure you. Playing with yourself is not only intimate and arousing, but can also lead to more self-awareness.
Openly admitting that we masturbate is also sexually empowering. Sexual empowerment is about acknowledging yourself as a sexual being deserving of sexual respect and pleasure. Realize that there is no reason to feel guilty or abnormal about a little self-indulgence. If embarrassment or shame is keeping you from sexually satisfying yourself, or from sharing your leisure activity with others, you should consider this: stimulating yourself has many health benefits. So do it for your health.
Getting hot and bothered with yourself is a cardio workout. It can, among other benefits, make you sweat, lower blood pressure and burn calories! For males, ejaculating flushes out the prostate gland, reducing the risk of prostate cancer and infections. Orgasm in females reduces yeast infections and alleviates menstrual cramp pain. Your immune system could also use the boost.
Not only is self-love good for you physically, it is great for your mental health. Being intimate with yourself decreases depression and anxiety. It is relaxing and euphoric, which makes it a great way to get drowsy before bed. I fall asleep almost instantly and sleep better following a session with myself.
Masturbation is also a safe form of sexual pleasure (but you should wash your hands, with soap). By getting personal with your genitals you can notice any potentially harmful changes, such as a sore caused by an STI, or a lump in the testicles. It will also make you less shy discussing your sexual health with a medical professional. After all, everyone needs to look out for their sexual health, not just those having sex.
Nobody is capable of knowing you like you do. So don’t be shy — get to know yourself! It will be a very pleasurable encounter.
Photo: Shanda Stefanson