Fresh snow falls on Nutana pioneer cemetery in Saskatoon. Looks fucking cold.
When it comes down to Saskatchewan winters, there really is no pleasing us prairie folk.
According to the annual Weather Outlook released in November by The Weather Network, we were expected to experience “below normal” temperatures in Saskatoon this winter — although up until the heavy snowfall we received last weekend, we have felt nothing but wondrously warm temperatures.
Typically, you’ll hear complaints about the brutality of our winters — particularly in the months of January and February — and the inability to move our fingers and toes. Rarely will you hear something positive aside from the gorgeous snowfall that might take place once every three to four weeks.
However, with the record high temperatures that we’ve seen this winter, our complaints have shifted drastically.
For those who genuinely love winter, many complained about the lack of snow we received. Others often raised the frightening topic of global warming, and how this winter has been a result of it.
Although this may be the case, not everyone saw reason to complain. Some people, like myself, embraced the warm weather we experienced. Being a skateboarder, this is the very first January I’ve seen where it was dry enough to skate a parking lot — and warm enough to forego the coat and just wear a sweater.
On the downside, the warm weather made things we might enjoy, such as ice fishing or snowboarding, essentially impossible to do. At the same time, it has been a bit too cold on the hands and feet to do much more than go for walks or runs without outfitting in heavy winter gear.
And while I had improbable hopes of cruising through winter without getting stuck in snow, I think most of us knew from the beginning that it was too good to be true; and it was. Now that Old Man Winter has brought the snow and cold temperatures, those who were complaining finally got the numb feet and rosy cheeks they were wishing for. The question to ask now is how long will it last?
The immediate forecast shows a strong increase in temperatures which would result in some serious snow melting, and I like to keep my pride in believing that it’s true, but we all know that the long range forecast has a tendency to be as unpredictable as our Friday nights.
Either way, it has been a beautiful winter, so I have no need to complain. Those who wanted the snow for whatever reasons, now have it. As much as we love, hate, compliment or complain about Old Man Winter, his qualities will remain uncertain. Although it’s apparent that I’m not exactly a fan of him, I don’t dislike everything about the guy — I just won’t accept his friend request.
Photo: Kristin Marie Enns-Kavanagh/flickr