By Michael Cuthbertson March 8, 2012
Years ago I filled out one of those sociology surveys you occasionally get in lectures. One question asked me, “Why are you in university?” to which I replied, “It beats working.”
I still feel this way. Reading textbooks is at least one step above my last job: working in a kitchen. Sometimes I felt nauseous working there — partly because I was cutting up kidney meat while hungover.
By Ishmael N. Daro March 7, 2012
The votes are in and it looks like Russia, and the world, is stuck with at least six more years of Vladimir Putin.With another six-year term more than likely, that would bring Putin’s total time as Russia’s undisputed leader to 24 years, rivalling the reigns of Stalin and Ivan the Terrible.
“We have won in honest and fair combat,” a tearful Putin told supporters after the vote, despite rather substantial evidence to the contrary.
By Natahna Bargen March 3, 2012
Polygamy is not something that one would expect to come up in an everyday conversation, but if it does, some of the subsequent sub-topics often include the notorious Warren Jeffs, sexual abuse of minors and brainwashing on various levels Yet with other exposure of polygamists in the media — such as TLC’s Sister Wives or Lisa Ling’s Spotlight on a Young Polygamist Family recently on the O Network — lines become blurred and one must consider that the extreme stories seen on the news may be the exception instead of the experience of the majority of polygamists.
By Ashley Hyshka March 2, 2012
Free and unfettered access to the Internet is a no-brainer for our generation. Maybe not for our parents or grandparents, but at least for us.
With Bill C-30, currently before Parliament, the federal government means to stick its nose in our web browsers and violate Canadians’ privacy online.
By The Sheaf February 29, 2012
There is something disturbing about the University of Saskatchewan’s treatment of reported sexual assault on campus.
Only one case of sexual assault has been reported on campus since the new year. That’s hardly an accurate representation of what’s happening to university students.
By Ishmael N. Daro February 26, 2012
The days of being handed a Playboy by your father when you reach puberty are long gone. Children today usually discover the Internet’s pornographic potential by age 11, and the relationship with porn is one that outlasts most others in men’s lives.
Despite its seeming ubiquity and variety, there is an inescapable truth about the erotic entertainment that comprises so much of the web: almost all porn available online is utterly wretched.
By Canadian University Press February 25, 2012
To this day, I wish I paid better attention during health class – in particular to chapters five and six of Fully Alive. There are still parts of my body that I’m not entirely sure what their purpose is, or how they interact with other parts to ensure I don’t wake up one morning as a pile of loose flesh.
I’m an adult woman, and I know there are, like, three, maybe four holes “down there”, and I think they all do different things, but whether or not they’re different — I don’t know. Furthermore, I know men have a dink, and that they can do different things with it, but I’m still hazy on how the entire ballsack area works and why it’s even there. Or if ballsack is even a technical term. Also, boobs.
By Canadian University Press February 25, 2012
The insulting but hilarious story of the invention of the vibrator seems to be popping up everywhere.
Let’s face it; if anything warrants a retelling and celebration of its invention, it’s the vibrator.