By The Sheaf November 17, 2012
As someone who has US President Barack Obama as her Facebook profile picture, it is probably pretty obvious that I wanted him to be elected to a second term in the oval office. Supporting Obama also means that I have to fend off criticisms from the roughly 70 million Americans who voted for Republican Mitt Romney, not to mention right-wing Canadians.
By Kimberley Hartwig November 16, 2012
I still remember the first time my writing was published. I was in fifth grade and I wrote a haiku about water lilies. I don’t think I had ever been more proud of myself.
By Ishmael N. Daro November 15, 2012
Do you consider 18-year-olds to be adults? Should an 18-year-old be allowed to vote, buy porn and cigarettes, and fight in the military? Most people won’t hesitate to answer yes. So why can’t an 18-year-old adult have an alcoholic beverage?
By The Sheaf November 14, 2012
It’s the most wonderful time of year. And no, it’s not Christmas. It’s Movember! On the 1st of November, messages all over the internet, including from peers, encouraged men to shave one last time before growing out their moustaches with the intent of raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer.
By Canadian University Press November 10, 2012
Physician-assisted suicide, a form of euthanasia in which a doctor helps a patient end his or her life at the patient’s request, is legal in many parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg and certain American states such as Oregon and Washington. So why is it taboo in Canada?
By Tannara Yelland November 8, 2012
On Oct. 31 the federal government passed a private members’ bill with far-reaching implications for Canadians that signals a desire on the Conservative government’s part to erode citizens’ civil liberties.
By Travis Homenuk November 7, 2012
I’m sure we all get the desire to escape from real life; it’s part of the growing up process. There’s a need to flee the nest in such a way that says a gentle “fuck you” to your parents, making your friends jealous in the process — assuming you have friends.
By Kimberley Hartwig November 1, 2012
As an English major I’ve heard all the digs leveled against my college and my degree. My personal favourite has to be, “What are you going to do with an English degree? Work at Starbucks?” For the record, I’ve tried. They won’t hire me.