With summer approaching, I know you’re thinking what l am: it’s time to get cooking and eating outdoors. Outside is where food was meant to be enjoyed. Here are five summer recipes to keep you full, fed and cool during the upcoming summer months.
It’s always good to start off a meal with a nice, light and crunchy salad — perfect for any type of summer day.
On a large platter combine the lettuce, pears, cranberries, pecans, bacon and feta cheese. Drizzle generously with the poppy seed dressing and the balsamic vinaigrette.
This recipe was found at espressoandcream.com.
If it’s a warm day you will want a frozen drink to cool off. Mix that with a little bit of alcohol and you have the perfect day. This recipe makes two servings.
mooth, adding water as needed.
This recipe was found at daydreamkitchen.com
Summer means barbecue, and what is barbecue season without a great burger? Here’s a really easy burger with a cheese-filled twist!
Combine the bacon, onion and cheddar cheese in a bowl. Separately combine beef, spice and beer, mix thoroughly and shape into six thin patties. Put bacon, onion and cheese mixture on three patties. Place the remaining patties on top and press the edges together to seal them. Grill them until well done. Makes three burger patties.
This recipe was found at bbq.about.com
On those days when the sun doesn’t shine and storm clouds fill the sky, you’re going to want something to keep you warm. Here is a spicy soup that should do the trick.
Heat canola oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onions and ham and cook for three minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in the corn and remaining ingredients. Bring the contents to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for five minutes. Makes six servings.
This recipe was adapted from one found at myrecipes.com
This recipe is a sweet treat for a warm summer day.
In a bowl, beat the cream with a whisk until soft peaks form. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Add honey and vanilla extract and continue beating until firm peaks form once again. Combine the egg whites mixture into the cream and add the orange juice and zest. Place the mixture into popsicle molds and insert popsicle sticks. Place in freezer overnight and serve.
This recipe was found at foodnetwork.ca
Photo: Amadeus/Flickr