Dear Editor and readers,
The upcoming Saskatchewan provincial and municipal elections will be like no other in living memory. Eligible Saskatchewan residents will be voting in the middle of a pandemic. Some serious questions arise about how to stay safe while exercising your right to vote. COVID-19 has disrupted many aspects of life but it is still possible to vote safely in the upcoming elections.
The key is to have a plan. There are three main options for people to vote safely this election season.
One way to stay safe and perform your civic duty is to vote by mail. Anyone can apply for a mail-in ballot. If approved, Elections Saskatchewan, the independent election commission, will send you a ballot and a postage-paid return envelope so you can vote safely from home.
Another way to vote is in person at an advance polling station. These are set up weeks before the normal election day polls. Advance polls are usually quieter than the election day polls. They are a great way to vote if limiting contact with others is important to you.
A final option is to vote in person on election day. Elections Saskatchewan has taken numerous steps to ensure that voting will still be safe for everyone this year.
Regardless of how you vote, it is essential that you vote! Voting is foundational to democracy. It’s also a great way for your voice to be heard.
If you can spend an hour on social media you can take a few minutes out of your day to make a plan on how to vote safely.
For more information on mail-in and in-person voting, please go to Election Saskatchewan’s website.
Caid Brossart
The author, Caid Brossart, is the president of the U of S Political Studies Students’ Association.