Oh, there He is.
Whether God exists or not is a slightly scary question to ask because there is no way to know where you will end up once you start searching for an answer. You could be left with nothing more than you started with, except maybe more cynicism, or end up a member of some fundamentalist religion.
Or you may find God. Finding God changes everything.
Believing in God means I see beauty in everything around me as a reflection of God, and my heart breaks at the things in the world that try to destroy that beauty. I see a world that was made for my enjoyment and is my responsibility to take care of. I see God in the face of every person I pass on the street, and I am amazed at a God who is reflected in the diversity of every man and woman who has ever lived. I cannot live my life for myself (not with peace in my heart anyway) by seeking money, sex, a good time or whatever else. But I get to find joy in everything I do because I know why I am alive.
Biology textbooks tell us that all living, breathing beings came from a mess of prebiotic soup. But that doesn’t necessarily explain what brought things into being in the first place. It is honestly easier for me to believe that something greater than me designed this body and that is why it functions with such precision.
I believe the story from Genesis: God formed human beings out of the dust of the Earth, then filled our lungs with His own breath. Without the breath of God I would still be a pile of dirt. I guess you would be too. Every breath we take is witness to the Creator’s existence, whether we deny that existence or not.
When we stop looking up and beyond what we can see to explain our existence and purpose, it leaves us digging a hole, and that hole just gets deeper and deeper. We can even end up questioning the reality of our very existence. Well, if I’m not proof that I exist then I don’t know what is.
If there is no God, I would have to say that there is no hope. What is left to put our trust in? Nature? Humans? Organized religion? Life is nothing without hope.
But I have hope. I hope to live as many years as possible, because even if I make it to 120, I will not be able to do everything I would like to do. I have hope that this life is only the beginning, and I will have the chance to do more than I can even imagine.
Daring to sincerely ask if God exists opens up an endless frontier to be explored. We cannot observe the different natures of an electron at the same time, but we can still know they exist. Maybe that electron shows us something of God. We definitely cannot comprehend all the aspects of God at once, but we can know He exists, and the possibilities of discovery are unending.
Photo: 20th Century Fox