Brad Trost speaking at a pro-life rally on Parliament Hill
As one of Trost’s constituents, I am embarrassed to have an MP with such a narrow perspective that does not respect the rights of women to choose their own fates. If Trost does not believe in abortion then the if he’s ever faced with an unwanted pregnancy, he shouldn’t get an abortion. It makes me sad to feel that I am not represented by my MP because I do not share his social conservative views.
While Mr.Trost is a member of the Conservative party, he is also meant to represent his constituents. Should he not also represent the constituents that are not conservative? Am I supposed to talk to an MP from Quebec if I want my voice heard?
Without organizations like Planned Parenthood, women would not have a medically safe option to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. Denying women access to safe abortions does not stop them from seeking the procedure. Rather, they go to unsanitary environments where procedures are performed by inexperienced or uneducated individuals. Doing this increases the risk of infection, bleeding and permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive organs.
Instead of opposing Planned Parenthood — an organization that is much more than a safe abortion provider — Trost should support organizations and causes that give women alternatives to abortion.
Support affordable child care so when teens and adults are faced with unexpected pregnancies they do not feel their lives are over or that they will be in financial ruin. When someone is faced with an unexpected pregnancy, it’s normal to question the effects the child will have on their life. Children are expensive; they consume both time and money. The forces that pressure women to choose abortion are weakened by supporting affordable child care and increased tax breaks for parents.
Support programs that educate girls and women about their bodies so they can build self-confidence. It is often girls with low self-esteem who have sex before they are ready, before they understand their bodies. This leads them into situations where they face an unwanted pregnancy. All too often you hear of girls who have consented to a sexual relationship because they are looking for love. Empower these girls to respect themselves and their bodies. Help them realize they are worth so much more than a boy who offers the word love in exchange for sex.
Abortion aside, Planned Parenthood provides information about sexual health, STIs, adoption, childcare and contraception. It’s organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide women with support after an abortion because it can be a mentally and emotionally upsetting experience, especially if it was something a woman was forced into because she was not aware of other options.
Trost is letting one of Planned Parenthood’s services blind him to the many other services provided by the organization — services his views could support. Be glad that the government renewed funding to Planned Parenthood, despite Trost’s opposition.
I hope that someday my MP can put his personal views aside and reflect the interests of his constituents, even the ones who do not share his personal views.