Although vacations are supposed to be relaxing, it can be very beneficial to keep up a fitness routine throughout your holiday. Falling out of a fitness routine can make it that much harder to get back into it once you return home.
For one thing, on vacation you usually have endless amounts of free time, so it’s never a bad idea to mix in a workout and take your time to enjoy it as well. Usually, time spent in the airport can drag on for long periods of time and be very boring, so a way to pass the time and get in some exercise is walking a few laps around the airport while waiting for your flight.
A lot of people tend to get restless during flights, so walking around and stretching your legs before getting on the plane is a good way to combat that. Also, when you’re walking around the airport, try taking the stairs instead of the escalator. It doesn’t sound like much, but it really adds up in the end.
Once arriving at a vacation destination, you may be tired after travelling. A good way to deal with this can be to start your first day by walking or running around your resort, the beach or the new city you’re in or even by checking out the hotel gym. It’s always a great idea to start your day with a workout, as you’ll feel more awake and ready for the day. On vacation, however, it can also be a good way to recover from jet lag, and it’s always a nice treat to check out a new atmosphere in a different gym.
Almost anywhere you go on vacation there will be somewhere to go swimming, whether it be a pool or the ocean, so it could be beneficial to try out a new cardio workout and swim some laps! Many resorts also offer different kinds of watersports, ranging from surfing to paddle boarding to kayaking. All are great ways to get some exercise and try a new activity at the same time.
At a lot of resorts in tropical areas, the staff may offer various kinds of fun fitness classes, like dancing or yoga lessons. Learning something new in a new country is always worth trying. You can even go on vacations specifically to take part in an activity, like a hiking tour or yoga retreat.
If you’re taking any kind of tour on your vacation, try to find a walking tour if you can. Whether it be a tour around a European city or a tropical resort, it’s always a good idea to try to get a few extra steps in throughout the day. This is also a great way to explore the terrain of your destination. For vacations like this, remember to wear comfortable shoes and drink lots of water to keep yourself in peak condition.
People who are on vacation also tend to indulge in new food that may not always be the most nutritious. Of course, you’re on vacation and it’s totally okay to treat yourself to some new eats, but within moderation. This makes it even more important to get some exercise in whenever you’re able to — to help counterbalance your new holiday diet.
It’s always important to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle, and being on vacation is no exception to that. With the suggestions above, it should be relatively easy to stay fit and relaxed on any vacation. You’ll come home feeling rested and recharged — both in mind and body!
Kim Mabee
Photo: Jeremy Britz / Photo Editor