Although the weather outside may still be chilly, there are still plenty of fit — and fun — date ideas to heat up both your body and your love life.
The phrase “my heart is racing” is an idiom that can refer to either the elevated heart rate achieved when performing cardiovascular exercises, or the feeling of excess “feels,” where heart rate is affected by a particularly strong emotion.
The two definitions are not mutually exclusive — it is possible to feel your heart race as a result of both cardiovascular and emotional strain. Similarly, integrating physical activities into your dating life is a great way to ensure that your heart races on multiple levels.
Here’s a fun-filled list of activities to get your blood pumping. For best results, bring along a significant other who can do the same!
1. The Apex of your love life: a date at Saskatoon’s Apex Trampoline Park is hopping with potential. Guaranteed to wear through layers of anti-perspirant, a date in a building filled with trampolines is perfect for the couple looking for a cardio workout or a lost childhood dream.
Approximate cost: $10 for 30 minutes, $15 for 60 minutes.
2. Breaking the ice: the Cameco Meewasin Skating Rink is open daily from noon to 9 p.m. and offers free skate rentals. Located conveniently between the Bessborough Hotel and the Saskatoon river valley, this active date offers a beautiful view to compensate for the fact that your significant other will likely be covered from head to toe in winter gear.
Approximate cost: free!
3. Dance your life away: the University of Saskatchewan Swing Dance Club offers lessons every Friday at 7 p.m. in the Physical Activity Complex dance studio. The lessons are typically an hour in length, followed by a social dance where you can dance the night away with your significant other — or anyone else you happened to meet at the lesson.
Approximate cost: $8
4. A slippery slope: there’s “snow” reason not to spend a nice evening downhill sledding. This affordable date won’t hurt the snowbank too badly, and it’s a cool way to actively chill.
Approximate cost: sled price $15, plus the weight of all those awful puns on your mind.
5. Bop to the top: Zumba classes happen at the PAC on Monday nights at 6:15 p.m. While Zumba sometimes receives flak for making the exerciser look slightly ridiculous, that shouldn’t matter too much, so long as you’re both able to laugh at yourselves — and each other, for that matter.
Approximate cost: possibly your dignity. Free access to the class with your student card.
6. Everyday activity: going to the movies as a couple? Why not walk! Staying in to read old copies of the Sheaf? Why not throw in some crunches between issues! Integrating active living into your dating life is both doable and affordable if you’re willing to commit.
Approximate cost: your willingness to not be a couch potato.
Hopefully this list of heart racing activities was enough to get your blood pumping — or at least give you some ideas for how to do so in the future. Failing that, at least you’ve probably got someone capable of affecting your heart rate for the better. Run to them!
Kagen Newman
Graphic: Lesia Karalash / Graphics Editor