Q: What is the best way to make friends if you are new or just lonely?
This is a loaded question. Going about making friends is different for every single person depending on if you have an introverted or extroverted personality.
You could always join a group that appeals to your interest. Go to a board game night, join a drama class — they make you do weird shit with strangers right off the bat, but after that, friendship is easy. This way, you are put with like-minded people who enjoy doing the same activities you do.
Q: How can I best balance a full course load while simultaneously maintaining my social life, getting enough exercise, eating a well-balanced diet and finding time to sleep? Can it be done?
Yes, it can! It is not easy — and it won’t ever be easy — but if you’re dedicated enough, it can happen. This is assuming that you do not require six hours of socializing every single night.
First and foremost, get yourself a day planner. This will help you with your daily personal goals and giving yourself reserved time for certain activities.
To maximize your health, find a 15 minute workout you can do in your living room from home to start and finish your day. Pinterest is your friend in this department.
Q: I want to delete my dating/ hookup apps. Is it possible to meet anyone offline anymore?
The problem with this question is that no one actually wants to meet on dating sites, but it’s easy and less embarrassing should you be rejected.
Your soulmate isn’t going to accidentally wander into your house late at night and sweep you off your feet. If you want to meet someone naturally, go to a public place, prepare your ego to be slightly bruised and bite the bullet.
But don’t be creepy.
Q: I don’t know if I can handle my course load, but if I drop any classes I won’t be able to graduate on time. I don’t know what to do. I’m already stressing.
Stop. Breathe. Focus. Re-focus.
You are punishing yourself by looking too far ahead and it’s causing you stress. Long-term goals are important, but not at the risk of detrimentally affecting you here and now. The worst that happens if you don’t graduate on time is that you take another semester. Is a timeline worth your mental health? Take this one day at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and nor is your degree.
Need some advice? Email us your questions at advice@thesheaf.com.
Khat P.