Hello, my fellow chunky friends. Happy New Year! May 2018 lead you to new levels of self-deprecation. This week, we will cover the “Yeah, sex is cool…” meme. Gaining popularity over Twitter, this meme is generally text based or a screen capture of text. But, really, have you ever tried garlic bread? When my partner and I are in bed, we don’t have sex — we just eat garlic bread, ignoring the fact that I can’t eat gluten or garlic. What better way to spice things up in the bedroom then some tasty appeteasers? This meme could be remixed as “Yeah, sex is cool, but have you ever tried putting a fork in an electrical socket?” This is a stale or dying meme that should be used for croutons in a salad. I give this meme a lukewarm tea between a cold tea and hot tea.
Ahren Klaassen-Wright