Upon entering university, students don’t have to give up their beloved sports or love of friendly competition. Campus Rec offers students the opportunity to play even after leaving the youth leagues or moving to a new city.
Based out of the College of Kinesiology, Campus Rec has competitive and non-competitive teams to join. The competitive leagues are filled with players who have experience in their sport and are ready for some friendly competition. Meanwhile, the non-competitive leagues are great opportunities for students try out a sport they’ve always wanted to.
Term one features men’s, women’s and co-rec soccer and curling, co-rec ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, basketball and inner tube water polo. Hockey only has men’s and women’s teams while football has men’s and co-rec teams.
For students whose schedules are too jam-packed in the fall to take up their favourite sport, term two has a second season of sports available. Women’s floor hockey, men’s and women’s curling and basketball, and co-rec volleyball, inner tube basketball, futsal and curling all have teams to join in 2015.
Registration closes for all fall term teams — with the exception of curling on Oct. 2 — throughout September and all registration for sports offered in the winter term must be submitted by mid-January.
For those students who love badminton, or want to learn how to play in a friendly environment, it will be offered on Fridays from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Education Gym during the fall term. There is no sign-up required; simply bring your student card for some drop-in badminton.
If you love karate, triathlons, yoga, swing dancing, figure skating or kayaking, join one of the campus recreational clubs. All of the campus recreation clubs have a non-student fee as well as drop-in rates.
The University of Saskatchewan Swing Dance Club teaches members how to dance to all the hits of the 1920s, 30s and 40s with dances like the jive, lindy hop, Charleston and vintage jazz. The USSD swings the night away in the fall and winter terms.
Needing a good stretch? Sign up for the U of S yoga classes. Also offered both terms, yoga classes are available for beginner, intermediate and multi-level settings in the Education Playroom.
If you love to swim, bike and run, then the U of S Triathlon Club is the club for you. With weekly training sessions at the Physical Activity Complex and the Saskatoon Field House, students who love to stay active can keep up their rigorous training in a group setting all year long.
The U of S Kayaking Club offers a little more than you would expect of your average kayak club; canoe polo. Once members have taken the beginner courses offered, they are encouraged to join the sport that melds basketball and kayaking into one. Throughout the fall and winter session, kayaks are available for club use in the PAC pool.
If martial arts is an interest of your’s, consider joining the U of S Karate-do; a series of courses designed to teach a traditional style of Japanese karate called Shito-Ryu. Based out of the Education Playroom, classes are offered for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. Instruction in Ryukyu Kobudo, which is weaponry, and Laido, swordsmanship, is also offered.
The U of S Anne Collingridge Figure Skating Club meets through the academic year with ice times on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. All skill levels are welcomed and members pay on a basis of ice times per week. At the end of March, an ice show will be held to showcase members’ work.
For those students who are too busy to join a team or a club, or who would like to tryout a sport, Campus Recreational Services offers Learn-to sessions for a large variety of sports and activities; belly-dancing, kayaking, fitness, squash, racquetball, curling, fencing, golfing, scuba, social and hip-hop dancing, wheelchair sports and rape aggression defence. Space in these activities is often limited so sign up soon!
You can sign up for any campus rec sports on the second floor of the PAC.
Graphic: Stephanie Mah/Graphics Editor